Witch Wars: The Underlayes, Book One Page 16
“As above, so below,” I began chanting,” show me the events I need to know.” Letting go of any other thoughts, “As above, so below, show me the events I need to know.” Taking in deep breaths, letting my physical body go, “As above, so below, show me the events I need to know.” Letting my spirit slide into the black stillness of the astral, asabovesobelowshowmetheeventsIneedtoknow, as above, so below, as above, so below…
“Aw shit,” I gasped, realizing I’d overdone it, like I do so many things. Because instead of just seeing what happened the night before, I’d ended up in the back of my own mind and would not only see the events that had taken place, but get to relive them, without being able to stop a damn thing.
Well, at least I hadn’t go back too far. I was back in my bedroom, just finishing putting on the black leather and lace corset Genie, my best-friend / wizard / werewolf had gotten me for my big day. I was determined to figure out how to work the damn garter belt. I mean, really, who invented this crap? Oh yeah, a sorceress who could just flash her clothes on with no prob, not thinking about poor lil’ misfits who have had terrible incidents while trying to do so. Yeah, so not going there.
But, anyway, I was looking pretty damn good. The corset was perfect, hiding my love handles just so, shaping my big-ass boobs quite nicely with just enough cleavage showing through, and the leather of the boy shorts was the soft kind and felt oh so good. I even had my odd-colored hair cascading down my back. It’s long and wavy, and dark brown with blonde, red and black highlights. Like an anime-style hairdo gone all wrong.
Sitting on the side of my bed preparing for the daunting task of working with the Goddess-forsaken garter belt, something on the end table next to my bed caught my eye. A tall, skinny, frosty glass with something that looked like smoke coming from the top, and a note underneath.
Hey Lee,
Just a little something to calm your hectic nerves and start the night off right. A wolfmist spritzer. Don’t worry, there’s only just enough liquor in it, won’t knock you on your ass too hard. LOL. Just enough so you can relax through that twelve o’clock mark and not worry so much about what the rest of your bloodlines might have you turning into! LMAO. We love you, girl, and want you on your worst behavior tomorrow!
Night Love,
“Sweetness,” I said to myself.
I gingerly took a small sip, ’cause you never knew what you might end up with when it came to D. Good intentions and all that, but she might have been mixing liquor and potions at the same time, and might have given me the wrong glass. You get the picture. But after a few delicate sips, it was going down nice and smooth, with just enough bite to it, so I decided to down the rest. Big mistake.
I didn’t even realize I was feeling anything until I tried standing up, and plopped right back down on the bed. All of a sudden I got a major head rush and felt as though my legs couldn’t hold me up. That was weird; I might be just now turning twenty-one, but this sure as hell wasn’t my first drink. I chalked it up to drinking too fast. I ran a hand over my face and tried to shake it off. That so did not work. At that point I just wanted to get some water or something, anything, because something was not right.
Second attempt at getting up was even worse than the first. I went to stand and landed on my knees. Bracing my hands on the floor, I tried to pull myself up, but ended up on my hands and knees barely holding my head up. It felt like a boulder on top of my shoulders. I would have fallen down completely had I not been grabbed from behind, none too gently, by a pair of rough, strong hands.
The stranger picked me up, then sat down on my bed with me in his lap. My eyes were rolling to the back of my head. I fought desperately to keep them open.
“Who…the fuck…are you?” I rasped.
“Never you mind that,” answered a deep, gruff voice. “Who I am is unimportant.”
“The…wards.” It was such a struggle to speak, to stay conscious. Every room in here had wards. No one was allowed in anyone else’s room without permission, except for the headmistresses, of course. “How?”
“Those shabby sigils placed around here? Don’t make me laugh.” He began touching me then, and I was helpless to stop him. “Let’s see what merchandise the master has me picking up now, shall we?”
“Don’t… Please…don’t touch…me.”
My words fell upon deaf ears. I tried to open my eyes wider, hoping to see what this man looked like, but it was pointless. He wore a cloak, and there was no way could I try to pull it back. Holding me up by one arm, he took his other hand and roughly grabbed my breast through the corset. Then he let his hand slide down my abdomen, then lower. I started breathing more heavily. Never had I felt so violated.
“Mmm…very nice equipment you have here, but that’s just the outside.” Taking his thumb to push my underwear aside, he jammed one finger inside me, hard. I wanted to scream but I couldn’t find my voice. He took it out, and a second later I heard him popping his finger out of his mouth. “Tastes lovely.” Then he tried to jam two fingers in, hard, fast and deep. “Oh, my my, surely this is a jest. Untried waters? And for what has been prepared for you?” He began laughing then, a sick, sinister laughter, though the sound was fading in my ears, like I was falling down a tunnel. Everything began to fade away.
No! Don’t black out! I shouted to myself, frantic, knowing how futile it was. Get up! I can only see what you can, and we need to figure this out!
Then blackness.
When I came to again, I was being carried by the stranger. I couldn’t smell what he was exactly; my mind was still too foggy. I felt hot, from the inside out, like I was coming down with a fever, but sickness wasn’t what I felt. I just feel like I needed something, but what?
As he carried me down a long, darkened stone hallway, my terror grew, but my fear was nothing compared to the unbearable heat I was feeling.
The farther down the hall we went, the louder the sounds of fighting grew. I could hear jaws snapping, snarling, the sounds of flesh pounding on flesh. We were going towards it, not away. The sounds were becoming so loud they were almost deafening.
And the heat! It was so stifling I could barely breathe. And my body… My breasts began feeling so tight it was almost painful. The ache didn’t stop there—it travelled even lower along with a liquefied heat, down past my abdomen, all the way down to my core. It felt as though my clit was literally throbbing, pulsating. I was tempted to ask my captor if he felt it too. Though I knew he couldn’t have; he was walking without a break in his stride, carrying me as if I were no more than a ragdoll. I peered up at my captor, trying once again in vain to get a glimpse of him, but I couldn’t see past that damn cloak. It kept his face hidden in shadows.
We finally came to a stop, and from the sounds of it we were about to enter right where all the fighting sounds were coming from.
Setting me on my feet, with his arm still around my waist, my captor leaned down, putting his nose in the crook of my neck and inhaling deeply, “Mmm…smells like everything is kicking in quite nicely. Seems as though all your bloodlines are ready to merge together and come out and play. I think you and your…roomies will get along just fine.
“Can you stand on your own?” he asked, while easing his arm from around my waist, slowly stepping away from me. Surprisingly, I was able to, though my brain felt like a jumbled mess. “Very good, then, off you go.” With that, he pushed open the massive mahogany door we were standing in front of and shoved me inside, closing the door firmly behind me.
The room was enormous. Stone walls painted black, with drips here and there running down looking like blood. The only illumination came from the few sconces hanging off the walls. Though that didn’t seem to matter —somehow I was seeing everything with crystal clarity. I mean sure, I had good eyesight, but this was something totally different. I could make out every shape, every shadow, every crease on the satin sheets that covered the huge bed in the center of the room.
But that wasn’t what I was
focusing on. It was the source of all the noise, which suddenly stopped as soon as I entered. In the corner of the room, a werewolf in wolf form, in all his silver glory, stopped in mid-swipe, scenting the air, jerked his head in my direction, inhaling deeply, and took a step back from the other combatants. He threw his head back and howled, and I heard an answering howl in the back of my mind. Sparks in the air indicated that he was about to change form.
An incredibly beautiful man—no, vampire—who was on the receiving end of the would-be swipe, pivoted in my direction. Gorgeous white hair with silver streaks flowing down his bare back, deadly yet sexy fangs protruding from his mouth, eyes bleeding red. Tilting his head almost catlike to the side, he looked directly into my eyes and hissed and took huge jump back. While staring at him in wonder and awe, I felt my gums begin to ache.
Looking down at the floor beside the vampire, I saw a demon with his gazed transfixed by me. And not just any demon, an incubus. Hazel bedroom eyes in a cream-colored face, chiseled to utter perfection. I knew he was of the incubi because something in me knew, recognized it, and answered to him as well. He jumped from his back to his hands and knees, crawling towards me.
They all started towards me slowly, unsure, with a look of curiosity and hunger in their eyes. Even the wolf, who had finished changing into a gleaming, sweaty, muscular hot chocolate male with no hair on his entire body from head to toe. I felt myself beginning to walk towards them, drawn to all of them.
Once they reached me, there were no words. None were needed—not here, not now. It was like a well-choreographed dance. Each man knew exactly where to go, and none of them so much as flinched if they accidentally touched one another.
The demon reached me first. He stood and took my lips in a devouring kiss, one meant to take one’s soul away in glorious agony, only that was not what happened. And I began to realize just what my captor had meant, because the succubus in me came to the forefront to devour him as well. Our souls had a sensual battle with each other, almost making us both climax right then, and we broke the kiss on a shocked gasp. Then he went behind me, working on the lace of my corset.
The vampire was suddenly there, capturing my face in his hands, staring into my eyes, fangs still protruding from his gums. I felt fangs of my own ripping through my gums. I had no time to feel the pain, though. As if he knew I was about to, he pressed his lips against mine, sliding in his tongue to glide it against my gums, coating them with the healing salve that I had only heard about. We began kissing in earnest, nibbling at each other with our fangs drawing just a taste, and oh how sweet it was. Going down to his knees, he began to work my underwear off my hips.
The werewolf, no gentleness with that one, grabbed a fistful of my hair and yanked my head to the side to sniff at my neck. Whatever he smelled there, he must have liked, because he crushed his mouth to mine. He kissed me hard and demandingly, exploring my entire mouth with his tongue. Then his inner wolf melded with the wolf I never even knew I had.
Somehow, we all ended up on the bed, all of us naked, all of them kissing or licking some part of my body. It felt glorious. Being part succubus had every one of my holes hot, wet and ready, and all of them were hard, stiff and waiting.
I was on my knees, kissing the vampire, his hands kneading my breasts, pinching my nipples. The demon was on his back, his tongue working wonders inside me while his thumb played with my clit. He worked his tongue in, out and around, kissing and sucking as though he had just discovered the finest wine. The werewolf was on his knees behind me, working his fingers into yet another hole, stretching me, preparing me. I screamed an orgasm into the vampire’s mouth as the were began to nudge into me, the demon getting to his knees as the vampire began to push his shaft into my core. They both began thrusting into me, slowly at first and then faster, going in a synchronized rhythm, inducing both pleasure and exquisite pain inside me. I grabbed the demon’s ass, bringing him closer to me, putting his entire long, thick shaft in my mouth until it was touching the back of my throat.
Which was how I bonded with him first. As he spent his seed inside my mouth and it trickled down my throat, our souls went in and out of each other’s bodies, pledging themselves to each other for all eternity.
I felt myself tighten and clench around the vamp and wolf as they grew larger inside me, and I bonded with them too. The vamp and I latched on to each other’s necks with our fangs sinking in deeply, his hot, tangy, succulent blood flowing down my throat and mine his, marking each other. The wolf sank his fangs into my shoulder, my wolf answering his with claws that sprang from my fingertips, latching into his thigh deeply enough that she was sure the wound would not heal without leaving our mark embedded on his skin. And we all climaxed as one, going over the edge together in pure, unadulterated bliss.
No thoughts or question about what had just happened, not the how or the why. Just contentedness about what we had just done, no worries about the sheer chaos that might be the end result.
Coming back to the here and now, all I realized was that I was even more screwed than I’d thought. I was now bonded with a wolf, a demon and a vampire, and we didn’t even know each other’s names! Not only that, how were they going to feel about it when they awoke? Had they been drugged like I had? Would they remember everything that had happened?
I finally knew everything that I was, and it was a truly messed-up combo—a witch, a vampire, a wolf and a succubus—but what good did it do me when I was being held captive by who knew what or why. And with a collar on that blocked me from using any of those powers.
Dear Goddess, I need help!
About the Author
When you become a Mom, you begin to put yourself last, and your combat boots begin to collect dust. Going to your child's PTA meetings in full Gothic, especially industrial, regalia is pretty much frowned upon. Especially by your own children, and your teens would die of a heart attack. But, one should not have to completely stop being themselves, uniqueness is greatness. So all of that darkness is put into words in her books, and designs in her jewelry sold in her Etsy shop, GothicMoms DarkCharms.
Mother of five beautiful children, but by far more than just that. T. A. Moorman is an artist, a violinist, a seamstress, a crafter, a writer, a blogger, a reviewer, a dark confidant and a darkly dangerous, fiercely protective friend.
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Blog: http://gothicmoms.blogspot.com/
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